Brave Baby Escape is a pseudo-3D maze game based on the Chinese cartoon show Calabash Brothers (or Hulu Brothers). This series originally appeared in the 1980s, but was recently remade with a new story to continue the original series. The story is about seven brothers who hatch from seven calabashes planted by an old man who adopts the boys. Each boy has special powers and is very strong. When a number of demons escape from a nearby mountain, the calabash babies must use their superpowers to save the world.
How to play Brave Baby Escape?
The demons have kidnapped grandpa to their mountain layer and trapped him in a series of mazes. Help the calabash baby transform into a calabash boy by collecting the magic items. Once the calabash baby has become a boy, he can use his special powers to defeat the scorpion king and the snake queen. Collect the keys and open the doors to rescue grandpa.
Game developer
Release date
August 24, 2021